Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Soldier Misses Window With Grenade

A soldier walks within 5 feet of a building pulls the pin on a grenade then attempts to toss it through a window.

i\'m a telephone troop in iraq pt 5

The telephone troops are just about finished with their work on this project in Iraq.

i\'m a telephone troop in iraq pt 4

Military video showing troops trying to make sense of cabling strips in Iraq.

i\'m a telephone troop in iraq pt 3

Very short clip showing troops in Iraq installing more cable.

I\'m a Telephone Troop in Iraq pt 2

Part 2 in the military video series showing troops installing cable in Iraq.

I\'m a Telephone Troop in Iraq pt 1

The first in a series of real life military videos showing troops installing phone lines in Iraq.

USMC In Iraq

Some great military footage of our Marines in Iraq.